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As of JULY 29- our office will be open Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 9am to 3pm.
If you have any questions or need help from the office staff, please feel free to email us. Thank you.
Mr. Castillo
Ms. Cruz
Mrs. Ortiz
Remote Learning
Starting July 27th, the nutrition services department has been distributing breakfast and lunch at no cost to families with children under 18 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM at:
- Spruce Elementary School
- Westborough Middle School
- 在线伋理服务器免费网页版
We are no longer notating the names of families who come to pick up meals for their children, and parents now have the option of showing us a photograph of their children and family members instead of bringing their children in the car with them.
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Remember school starts August 17,2023.
Dear Spruce Families,
We welcome you and your child to Spruce Elementary School for the 2023-2021 school year. As many of you are probably already aware, the start of school has been delayed from August 12 to August 17, 2023. In addition, the SSFUSD School Board approved the District’s proposal to reopen SSFUSD in phases. We will begin the school year with 100% distance learning and we will be sending communication home about technology distribution for families that need a computer for their child.
In phase 1, all students would start the school year in 100% distance learning. This phase would last for a minimum of three weeks and as long as necessary (could be up to six weeks or longer) depending upon the trends in the San Mateo County health data. Should public health conditions improve, the District would then move to phase 2.
In phase 2 only the District’s most vulnerable students such as English learners, special education students, and foster and homeless youth would be invited to receive in-person instruction based on their assigned cohort days. All other students will remain in distance learning. Phase 2 will last for a minimum of three weeks and as long as necessary depending upon health conditions, just like in phase 1. As the health conditions improve, the District would move to phase 3 of the reopening plan.
In phase 3, those students who have opted for hybrid learning would be split into two cohorts and invited to return to in-person classes with certain requirements and protocols that must be adhered to. More information will be provided as we approach that phase.
In order to better prepare for the first day of school the delayed start of the first day of school was approved which will provide teachers with appropriate training and by further improving our strategies. When we split the students into two cohorts, students will be assigned in-person cohort days in the District’s proposed hybrid learning model. Cohort A will be Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday for cohort B. Wednesday will be used for teacher preparation and this will allow us to provide them with professional development.
In order to move from the phases, our district will be collaborating closely with the County and using the State guidelines as we continue to evolve in response to COVID-19. As we gather more county health information we will adjust our instructional models based on the best available public health data from the California Department of Public Health. Our main goal is to protect and support the health of the community and the education of our students. If you have any questions about this information or have not been receiving the ongoing phone and e-mail communication from our District Office, please contact the spruce office at (650)877-8780 so that we can update any new contact information. We are looking forward to working collaboratively with you throughout this process to ensure that all our students are actively engaged in learning.
- Teacher Office Hours
What should my child be learning this year?
Ideas on how to help your child progress.
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¿Qué debería aprender mi hijo este año?
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¡Recursos útiles de CCSS para los padres!
Oprima Aquí:
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We try our best and always work hard.
So turn to a neighbor and let's remind,
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If you have any question please call Nutrition Services at 650-877-8716. Please make payments toward your child's lunch account.
Click the link below for information and introductory videos: